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    Can uric acid be detected using sweat? ›

    Moreover, the sensors had shown their feasibility of real sample sensing in sweat. The linear detection range for uric acid (0 to 40 μM) and glucose (0 to 1.6 mM) in the sweat can well cover their concentration range in physiological conditions.

    Is there a sensor that detects sweat? ›

    Up to date, the developed wearable SERS sweat sensor has proven the capability to analyze various target substances in sweat, including metabolites (e.g., uric acid, urea, and lactate) and hormone (e.g., cortisol) (Fig.

    Can uric acid come out in sweat? ›

    Profuse sweating leads to losses of these materials. However, a previous study (9) revealed that the concentration of uric acid in sweat was about 24.5 µM, which was only 6.3% of that in serum, and so the amount of uric acid excreted by sweating was rather negligible.

    What does uric acid sweat smell like? ›

    This is called uremia and is a sign of kidney failure. Sometimes, extra urea may exit your body through sweat, which could cause an ammonia-like body odor, which may be similar to the smell of vinegar in some cases.

    How can I test for uric acid at home? ›

    At-home test kits usually use a blood sample from a finger prick to measure the amount of uric acid in the blood.

    How is uric acid detected? ›

    The uric acid urine test measures the level of uric acid in the urine. The uric acid blood level can be checked using a blood test. Uric acid urine test is performed to check for the amount of uric acid in urine. Urine is collected over a 24 hour period and is sent to the laboratory for testing.

    How do you know you have uric acid in your body? ›

    Most people don't know they have it until their uric acid levels are high enough to cause gout or kidney stones. Symptoms of a gout attack in one of your joints include: Intense pain. Discoloration or redness.

    Are home uric acid tests accurate? ›

    EasyTouch is an acceptable diagnostic device which provides accurate uric acid measurements.


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